Monday 8 July 2013

Loose ends...

My goal for Lupey Loops is to post at least once a fortnight for at least a year.  (Goal #9 in the list of My Ten Crochet Goals for 2013)

I am sorry to say that three weeks have gone by without a new blog entry.  I appreciate your patience as you visit Lupey Loops only to find nothing new. Meanwhile I wrestle with the end-of-semester exhaustion in a year of having extra commitments and events.

2013 so far has been full of new experiences and adventures, many of my own choosing, and mostly crochet-related (this blog is just one of them) - very exciting!  Other circumstances beyond my control have also presented new pressures that are pushing my physical limits.

The end of June has left me in need of a good rest and, thankfully, an opportunity to slow down and recover.  It has also left me with a bunch of loose ends, including topics presented on Lupey Loops.

Rest assured, I have not abandoned Fashioning the Fab Four. The next instalment will be about 'hair styling' and creating individual characters for each amigurumi musician.

I am now able to share the finished products from the Crochet Idyll - a special gift for a special someone - with lots of pictures and design notes to come.

The Scrumptious & Sumptuous Stash has a destiny now - destined to delight with exciting results.

The Beanie Marathon continues, with berets getting in on the act!

Once these loose ends are tidied up, there will be room for new stories.  There are so many things to share!  I just love crochet and the amazing way it has infiltrated and influenced my life.

For now, I need to take time out and rest.  It is a good opportunity to take care of myself and touch base with self-management strategies for coping with chronic illness. The post about Surviving Chronic Illness: Positive Affirmation is a good springboard for in-depth discussion of specific issues and I hope to share more of the reminder cards as well.

I am interested to know what topics interest you the most. You can still leave comments and questions below or email Please be patient for any replies though, while I take time out for a week or two.

While the body will be still, the mind will be busy, dreaming of my next crochet projects, colour combinations and the words for future blog entries. Thank you again for your support and for reading Lupey Loops.


P.S.  While I have heaps of figurative loose ends, there are not many literal loose ends in the crochet - I like to weave them in as I go and force myself to do it because I don't want to have a stack of them at the project's end!  (Another benefit of crochet - the lesson of self-discipline!) 

Happy hooking!

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